jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008

He hecho una encuestaa
bajar hasta abaajo de mi blog :)


Coomoo vaiss?
bueno yo estoy estuadiandomee las herramientas en ingléss :)
Teengo gaanas de irmee a almeRiia :)
Wooouuu :)
EspeeRoo que noss lo pasemos muy bieeen
Deeciirmee temas para las en cuestasss :)
Q nosee de que ponerLaaa :(

sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2008

Aqui estamoss,
Buueeno este finde toca estudiar... :
Pero el findee que vienee yaa no tendremos tantos examenees
Buueeno averr si se ponee bien la fooToo veeenGaa besoos

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008

Me ha costado mundo y medio pero por fin acabé el trabajo.. :)
Me a costado muchos hacer algunas definicioness.. =S
Otrass no.. =D
Algunas no encontraba definicion ( extraño pero cierto)

Al menos acabéé



miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008

Hands tools

1.- A rasp is an instrument of carpentry used to form the wood.It treats of a point and a bar of steel
Wood rasp

2.- A Mallet is a type of hammer with a head made of softer materials than the steel normallyused in hammerheads, so as to avoid damaging a delicate surface.

3.-The pliers is hand tools is used to seize objects

4.- The screwdriver he is a herramieta of hand designed to untest, to be too tight or to slacken, pqutar screws

5.- The handsaw are used to cut pieces of wood into different shapes.

6.- A hammer is a tool meant to deliver an impact to an object. The most common uses are for driving nails, fitting parts, and breaking up objects.

7.-The trowel is a hand tool is used to move small amounts of voscosa or other material in particles

8.- A shovel is a tool for lifting and moving loose material such as coal, gravel, snow, soil, or sand and is an extremely common tool which is used extensively in agriculture, construction and gardening.

9.- A Secateurs also called hand pruners or pruning shears, are a type of scissors for cut plants or other things.

10.- A chisel is a tool with a characteristic shape of a spearhead on its end, carving or cutting a hard material. The handle and blade are made of metal or wood with a blade in it.

11.- The sergeant is a tool of skilled carpentry, sergeants of various sizes are used to hold the pieces while we work.

12.-A level Essential tool if we want our work are properly leveled. Its use is recommended in the placement of all sorts of elements that have to be perfectly level.

13.- A Set of keys

14.- A goggle It is used to protect the eye against particulates, water or chemical.

15.- Protector gloves they serve the hands not to get damaged on having worked with any tool.
16.- Estractor
17.- A Sickle is a hand-held agricultural tool with a curved blade typically used for harvesting grain crop or cutting grass for hay

18.-A stapler is a mechanical device that joins together sheets of paper by driving a thin metal staple through the sheets and folding over the ends to secure the paper.

19.- A Pinking shears are scissors, the blades of which are sawtoothed instead of straight. Pinking shears leave a zigzag pattern instead of a straight edge.

20.- A ruler, is an instrument used in geometry, technical drawing and engineering building to measure distances or to rule straight lines.

sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2008



buueeno aquii taamoss en el pueeblooo!!
esTaaa trdeee de cumpleeeee :)

a las 9 en el parqeeee a las 10 al baaR :) a las 11 a laaa fiieesTaaa :) hastaa las 12 o las 1 :)

Buueeno mee voi a comer yaa q esToyy ambrriieenTaaa :)

Beesooss & Reecuerdooss a tooDoo HUELINN :)